How Irresponsible Rubbish Disposal Can Affect Climate Change

The improper rubbish disposal is beyond unsightly. Over the years of our negligent behaviour, our discarded materials have taken its toll to the environment and even to human health. People across the globe have felt the changes from extreme temperatures to irregular weather patterns. 

With today’s innovations, not even smart technology can resolve the grave threats of discarded materials polluting our land and oceans.

Our distressed Mother Earth needs changes from our poor attitude towards rubbish disposal to sustainable solutions in resolving the mountains of rubbish. 

Furthermore, discarded waste materials are not the sole reason our planet is increasingly warming. Human wastes come in different shapes and sizes–it exacerbates the world’s global issue we face today-climate change.

Read on to learn more about how humans contributed to irresponsible rubbish disposal.

What is the Greenhouse Effect

greenhouse effect is the Earth’s natural way of warming the planet Earth by trapping the heat of the Sun to the atmosphere. The process pleasantly made the planet a warm and cosy place to live. Without the greenhouse effect, the human race will not be able to survive the Earth’s cold nights. 

Moreover, due to human activities, the natural process of warming the planet has been disrupted. Since the Industrialisation era, human activities have increasingly changed the Earth’s natural process of providing warmth. 

Today, the planet’s long-term warming is known to us all as global warming. According to the global statistic, the rise of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere is attributed to human activities, such as:

  • Power plants
  • Transportation
  • Agriculture or farming
  • Deforestation
  • Fertilisers
  • Rubbish disposal
  • ..and more


How Irresponsible Waste Management Contribute to Climate Change

Over the years, the human population is growing–this means an increase in human activities. When human activities increase, so does the emission of greenhouse gases because human demands need to be met. 

Humans have basic commodities from essential to non-essential, such as food, clothes, cosmetics, transportation and more. The by-products during-and-after the production, manufacturing and consumption of these commodities are called waste. We have been living lavishly and comfortably in a consumer society for decades–neglecting the detrimental effects of our irresponsible behaviour simultaneously.

Today, there are rubbish removal companies and environmental groups or movements dedicated to collect, transporting and recycling human waste. However, some portions, even half of the discarded materials, don’t end up in the recycling facilities and sanitary landfills. Despite the smart technology we have in this day and age, the improper rubbish disposal is still part of the global issue we face today–climate change.

Listed below are examples of how humans contributed to the alarming statistics of climate change, including:

  • Improper waste disposal. Landfills are already home of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. When rubbish decomposes the residue from the rubbish materials releases toxins and other harmful chemicals emitting into the atmosphere. 

If we dispose of our rubbish irresponsibly, it will not only pollute the land but it will also affect our waterways and oceans. Discarded waste materials are more than just an eyesore polluting the environment–their toxic chemicals cause environmental and health problems.

  • Greenhouse gases emission. Australia is one of the largest exporters of CO2 in fossil fuels worldwide. During the process of burning fossil fuels, it emits a toxic byproduct called carbon dioxide.
  • Deforestation. Losing trees and other vegetation has also significantly contributed to climate change. Whether it’s a deliberate or natural clearing of the land, deforestation loses the Earth’s ability to naturally process of cleaning the air we breathe.
  • Human’s Over Consumption. Today’s people consume more than they need. And a large portion of what they bought will end up in landfills.



Our irresponsible behaviour will not only hurt the environment, it includes wildlife, marine animals and other living organisms.

Let’s make a difference and change our ways towards our bad habits. No matter how small our efforts are but for, as long we do it consistently–we can make a difference.

Look for ways to help conserve the environment and preserve human existence–your small efforts can go a long way. Choose a trustworthy rubbish removal company in Sydney that advocates in protecting the environment for future generations.


Fast and Trustworthy Rubbish Removal Company in Sydney

Choose a
rubbish removal company in Sydney that advocates environmentally friendly solutions to all the rubbish they remove. Aussie Junk is an EPA-compliant and eco-friendly rubbish removal company. 

We strictly follow health protocols and regulations, proper waste management, disposal and recycling of all your waste. We want to provide you with reliable, cost-effective, high-quality rubbish removal services.

We guarantee that our rubbish removalists in Sydney are responsible and competent in performing their duty to conserve and protect the environment. By maintaining our high standards of rubbish removal services, our company tap to environmental-friendly facilities.

Aussie Junk wants to divert as much rubbish from our landfills as possible.

Aussie Junk makes your waste management efforts more convenient and affordable. Call us at ‪0435 569 921‬ or leave us a message thru our email for a tailored rubbish removal solution or same-day service

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Aussie Junk

Aussie Junk is a proud local Sydney rubbish removal company. We help educate Aussies on the importance of environmental topics such as recycling, hygiene, personal and social well-being and sustainability. Free up more valuable space in your life by calling our local team to help clear and clean out your junk today.