Why You Shouldn’t Throw Shredded Paper in the Recycle Bin

At the end of a company project, isn’t it satisfying to finally let go of the mountains of paper materials and get rid of them using the shredding machine? It’s like a final rite to say goodbye from the stress and worries you accumulated over months of hard work. 

But why shred these papers when you can just throw them away? There is a so-called Data Protection Act where the responsibility lies on you to avoid data breach that will put your company or organisation to security issues. So you need to turn them into strips before unwanted opportunists use the printed confidential information to commit fraud.  

It is also unwise to toss these shredded paper in the recycle bins because they are not recyclable at this point. Their fibres are not long enough to create new paper products. They would just end up in rubbish sites and contribute to the increase of landfill rate, which we should avoid at all cost.

Also, take note that local council pickups will choose not to collect unorganised paper waste. The immeasurable appearance of shredded papers will make the sorting process harder.    

And why throw these shredded paper in bins when you can recycle them yourself? Take these wastes with you. And practise reusing and recycling them as much as possible. Here are some ways to do it:

Shredded papers can enhance your garden as composting material.

Composting is an effective method to provide nutrients to your plants and at the same time, get rid of your wastes. Paper is an essential source of carbon that your lawn needs. The ideal compost ratio contains a 25:1 of carbon and nitrogen, respectively.

But not all papers are suitable for composting. Regular office papers and newsprint are allowed. But some paper products, especially the heavy-inked ones, should be analysed first because they decompose much longer due to contaminants.  Here are some of these materials:

  • Glossy papers
  • Coloured construction papers
  • Magazines
  • Scented papers

Shredded papers can provide comfort to pets as filling items.

Another way to maximise your shredded paper is to recycle them as filling materials. Create bedding, cushions, toys, and any other objects through stuffing containers or bags with these strands that your pets would surely enjoy. 

If you don’t own one, animal shelters can take your shredded waste to lessen your stockpile of rubbish. But make sure to coordinate with them first if they need your paper strips.

Shredded papers can ensure the safety of the packaging process. 

Instead of using bubble wraps that will cost you more when you need to transport boxes of items, you can opt for the shredded paper to protect fragile objects from damages. 

They are also more convenient as they are available almost everywhere. You can even avoid using plastics and probably save a tree from being taken down. 

Shredded papers can light a fireplace or campfire. 

Provide the warm you need during the winter through reusing shredded paper as fire starters. It would also lessen wood consumption as much as possible. 

But note that shredded glossy paper, cardboard, or any heavy-inked papers might bring breathing hazards because of the toxins present in them. It is best to burn regular ones such as notebooks and office papers. 

Shredded papers can express your inner artistic side.

You can also use shredded paper to awaken your artsy personality. Paper mach
é using strips of newspapers is one method. Or just create any masterpiece that you’ve pictured ever since through this waste. 


To answer your question, “
Why you shouldn’t throw shredded paper in the recycle bin?”, it is just that you can take advantage of them through recycling. Also, you need to refrain from using landfills’ spaces whenever possible.  

If it hassles you to recycle them yourself and you want to discard them right away. You can always ask for the services of Aussie Junk. Our team of service-oriented removalists will assess and sort your shredded paper waste. We will take care of them, and no data breach will happen. 

After segregating, we can take recyclable items to trusted institutions that can transform them into something usable. And throw away those non-recyclable paper following the NSW EPA Regulations. 

Do you want to be a part of our drive to protect the environment? You can do that through recycling and proper waste disposal! That’s Kurt’s principles.

For your paper waste removal or other office rubbish removal, don’t hesitate to call us at ‪0435 569 921‬, or send in your enquiries via email

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Aussie Junk

Aussie Junk is a proud local Sydney rubbish removal company. We help educate Aussies on the importance of environmental topics such as recycling, hygiene, personal and social well-being and sustainability. Free up more valuable space in your life by calling our local team to help clear and clean out your junk today.