What Can You Do With Scrap Metal in Your Backyard?

Most of us are already accustomed to recycling and reusing items like clothes, plastic bottles, newspapers, etc. Repurposing these valuable items are no longer new to us. Through this effort, we can contribute to reducing waste, on what goes in our landfill and save on energy use in producing new and raw materials and at the same time, we are helping our environment.

What we need to know is we have to expand our recycling abilities and include in our list critical items like scrap metals which are sitting around in our backyard and kitchen. We have plenty of common household items and office equipment that are made from metal and these items can be repurposed or recycled. Also, it is crucial to keep scrap metals out of our landfills for the environmental benefits we get.

Metals are valuable materials that motivate some people to collect them for profit or recycling purposes. Unfortunately, most of these scrap metals always end up in our bins due to lack of knowledge or the commitment to do the task. Well, we are here to help and teach you how to put your metal items to its rightful place.


Scrap Metal Recycling


Almost every type of metal can be recycled repeatedly and this is why it is regarded as a profitable business opportunity. Considering its financial and economic incentive, recycling metals enables us to preserve our natural resources while requiring less energy to process new materials. Recycling allows metal businesses to reduce their production cost thus lessen any harmful gases it emits.


Scrap Metal Repurposing


While we are locked in our homes during this COVID-19 crisis, you might want to consider repurposing those scrap metals in your backyard. Repurposing metal items has become a major trend as well and it can also be a good start for a new hobby. You can also check on the internet for ideas and inspiration for your DIY project.




While we can’t really tell you exactly nor a rough estimate on how much you will make from scraps since it varies based on a lot of factors. However, we can give you hints on how to maximize your profit from scrapping.

  • Most scrap yards base on the weight of your item
  • Scrap yards categorize your metal into two: ferrous and non-ferrous. 
  • Make sure to separate your ferrous and non-ferrous scraps prior to weighing the items. Generally, non-ferrous items are more valuable and worth all the mess. 
    • Ferrous – iron or an iron alloy
    • Non-Ferrous – aluminium, copper, zinc

Recycling and repurposing your scrap metals play a vital role in our health and our environment. You are also making a profit by bringing these items to scrap yards and recycling the materials in the right place. 

Now that you have the grasp to fully understand the classifications of your metal scraps, start sorting them out and let’s make a profit. Don’t just let your scrap metals sit around in your backyard. 

Do you know that if you recycle more, you are helping in creating new job opportunities? If you don’t know where to start, do not hesitate to give us a call. You don’t have to do all the hard work, we will do the job for you.




Purchasing recycled scrap metals saves manufacturing businesses production cost since they don’t have to spend their resources on getting new materials. Recycling your scrap metals also helps in waste reduction. Aside from taking it out from your backyard, we are also helping in keeping it out from our landfills which is beneficial for our environment.

Through repurposing and recycling scrap metals, you can get additional revenue, save metal businesses their money and use of energy, all the while contributing a cleaner and healthier environment for everyone.

If you are planning to do some DIY projects in your backyard and wanted to take those scrap metals out, we will do the removal for you. Aussie Junkoffers a wide variety of services from skip bin hire, council pickup, household and office rubbish removal.

With the current pandemic health crisis we are facing now, you might opt for convenient and accessible professional removal services. Give us a call at ‪0435 569 921‬ and we will be there on time.

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Aussie Junk

Aussie Junk is a proud local Sydney rubbish removal company. We help educate Aussies on the importance of environmental topics such as recycling, hygiene, personal and social well-being and sustainability. Free up more valuable space in your life by calling our local team to help clear and clean out your junk today.